*Owners of Target franchises make plans to open stores back up again.
*Instead of saying, “We are under attack, please take shelter,” citizens are now told, “Here we go again, you know the drill.”
*Everyone wears sunglasses all the time.
*Sarcastic giggling heard just behind live CNN reporters.
*Yesterday’s lead headline in most Iraqi newspapers was “NBA Lockout Continues.”
*Instead of running for cover at the sound of the air raid sirens, the Iraqis do the “Tomahawk Chop.”
*Hussein’s latest address to the nation included the line, “We must resist the Great Satan, yadda yadda yadda…”
*Christiane Amanpour is being invited to rooftop bomb watching parties all over Baghdad.
*Baghdad High’s senior class has playfully painted a bull’s-eye on the roof of the school.
*Iraqi Television Network preempts Hussein’s speech to show “Baywatch.”
*Maps of Baghdad being divided into numbered grids and sold on street corners to play “Cruise Missile Bingo.”
*Baghdad weather girls point to the map and say, “Scattered B-52 bombings and cruise missile strikes tonight through the early morning, with light rocket attacks tomorrow, clearing off by noon.”
*”We could be killed by a bomb any second” no longer an effective pickup line in Iraqi bars.
*Every Iraqi citizen has been issued a catcher’s mitt.
*Students anxiously listen to the radio each morning to listen for school closings.
*Even the ever-hilarious, “Sorry, that was me–must’ve been those BEANS I ate!” jokes are wearing thin.
*Gag gift sales soar with the release of the new “Magnetic Hat.”
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